Cultural Geography :

Chaudhuri Samhita

Cultural Geography : Some contemporary issues / Samhita Chaudhuri. - 1st ed. 2016. - New Delhi. Kunal Books; 2016. - 166 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Spaces and culture: exploration in cultural geography from Bengali oral literature
2. Indian food: A spatial representation
3. Debunking Kathak dance: A study of socio-cultural reality of Indian society
4. Religious landscape: A representation of cultural landscape
5. The scourge of cultural crimes in India: A critical analysis
6. Understanding diversity in the perspective of muulticultural education
7. The concoction of global local culture through private satellite channels in India
8. Marginalized aged widows in rural West Bengal: In post global society and culture
9. Rural tourism and its socio-cultural impacts: A case study of Relli in Darjeeling District, India
10. Conclusion.

Cultural geography is a newly developed branch of human geography and is lively and diverse field of study. It deals with certain cultural attributes of human being and also deals with close relationship between human culture and the physical environment. In recent decades cultural geographers engage in analysing complex social processes including identity formation, citizenship, diffusion of cultural traits, construction of cultural difference, cultural convergence and creation of new cultural attributes and other relevant as well as emerging issues in today's globalised world.


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