Economics for business /

Appannaiah H.R

Economics for business / H.R. Appannaiah, P.N. Reddy & S. Shanthi. - 3rd ed.. 2013. - Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House; 2013. - 503 p . ; hardbound 16x24cm

1. Economics for business
2. Economic and econometric models
3. The theory of consumer behaviour
4. Demand analysis
5. Demand forecasting
6. Revenue analysis and linear programming
7. Production analysis
8. Cost analysis
9. Market structure
10. Equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition
11. Pricing under monopoly and monopolistic competition
12. Pricing under oligopoly
13. Neoclassical theory of firm
14. Pricing theories- various models
15. Managerial theories of a firm
16. Pricing methods, policies and practices
17. Circular flow of income
18. National income analysis
19. Macro economic policies and balance of payments
20. Inflation
21. Unemployment
22. Consumption function
23. Rational exceptions
24. Supply side economics
25. Indian economy - Planning Era
26. Characteristics of Indian economy
27. Development of Indian economy (Sector wise analysis)


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