Oriental and Linguistic studies /

Kumar Rajesh

Oriental and Linguistic studies / Rajesh Kumar. - 1st ed. 2011. - New Delhi. Global Publications; 2011. - 308 p . ; hardbound. 14x22cm

1. The vedic doctrine of a future life
2. The translation of the veda
3. Muller's history of vedic literature
4. Indo-European Philology and Ethnology
5. State of the origin of language
6. Physical theory of language
7. Psychological theory of language
8. Muller's Rig-veda translation
9. Muller's lectures on language
10. The Avesta

The development undergone by the english language in the last one thousand years can be understood by comparing a passage of old writing English with a passage from modern English. Written language always come later than the spoken form and spoken form of any word is a symbol of the thing referred to by that word. The written form is the symbol of that symbol; ans so it is twice removed from the referred thing. The primitive form of writing meant carving, painting or drawing of the symbolic elements or the visible features of an experience.


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