The Elizabethan Age :

Cunliffe John W.

The Elizabethan Age : From Shakespeare to Dryden / John W. Cunliffe and G.R. Lomer. - 1st ed. 2010. - New Delhi. Cosmo Publications; 2010. - 342 p . ; harbound 14x22cm

1.From Shakespeare to Dryden
2. Roger Ascham
3. Richard Hakluyt
4. Sir Walter Raleigh
5. Sir Philip Sidney
6. Edmund Spenser
7. Thomas Deloney
8. Francis Bacon
9. Robert Burton
10. John Selden
11. Elizabethan and Jacobean lyrics
12. The Elizabethan theater
13. John Heywood
14. John Lyly
15. George Peele
16. Robert Greene
17. Christopher Marlowe
18. Shakespeare
19. George Chapman
20. Thomas Dekker
21. Ben Jonson
22. John Webster
23. Thomas Heywood
24. Beaumont and Fletcher
25. Philip Massinger
26. John Ford
27. The age of Milton
28. John Milton
29. Other poets of the commonwealth and the restoration
30. Thomas Hobbes
31. Izaak Walton
32. Sir Thomas Browne
33. Thomas Fuller
34. Jeremy Taylor
35. John Evelyn
36. Samuel Pepys
37. John Bunyan
38. John Dryden
39. John Locke
40. Sir Issac Newton
41. William Congreve

These volumes are drawn, on popular demand, from the parent work, titled - THE COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY COURSE IN LITERATURE - which has remained one of the most important reference works on world literature ever to have been undertaken, especially bringing together some of the finest and most respected authorities in their respective areas.


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