Global Economy and business environment /

Cherunilam Francis

Global Economy and business environment / Francis Cherunilam. - 3rd ed. 2013. - Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House; 2013. - 477 p . ; hardbound 19x25cm

1. Global Economy; Characteristics and issues
2. An overview of business environment
3. Environmental analysis and forecasting
4 International trading environment
5. Economic integration and cooperation
6. GATT/WTO and global economic liberalisation
7. Global trade
8.International Investments
9. Multinational corporations
10. Globalisation
11. Global Competitiveness
12. Political and Regulatory environment
13. Social / cultural and demographic environment
14. Technologies and natural environments
15. Some social issues in International Business
16. International organisations
17. Global economic crises

The economic liberalisation trend that swept across the world has made the business environment increasingly global even for domestic firms. An understanding of the global business environment is, therefore, necessary for business strategy formulation. This book, therefore, starts with an analysis of the salient features of the emerging global economy and proceeds to discuss topics like WTO and liberalisation, global trading environment and trade, international investment and MNCs global competitiveness of nations and globalisation, political and regulatory environment, social/ cultural and demographic environment, technological and natural environments, international organisations etc.


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