Women and self help groups /

Singh Abhilasha

Women and self help groups / Abhilasha Singh & Eesha Sinha. - 1st ed. 2013. - New Delhi. Axis Books Pvt. Ltd. 2013. - 264 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Empowering women through self-help groups
2. Self-help groups impact the lives of women in India
3. Microcredit empowers women
4. Self-help groups in India- A catalyst for women economic empowerment and poverty eradication
5. Empowering women through self-help groups: roleof distance education
6. Standards and principles of microfinance
7. Women's empowerment through self-help groups: Andhra Pradesh experience
8. Legal perspective and challenges for women's empowerment: Protection of Domestic violence
9. Women self-help groups in Orissa: challenges and opportunities
10. Self-help group: An effective Approach to women empowerment in India
11. DWCRA - A successful experiment to emancipate rural women
12. Organization, poverty and women: global perspectives
13. A state of the art of self-help groups in India
14. Case studies: NGO networking self-help groups in India
15. Tribal development through self-help groups
16. Economic security among rural women through self-help groups: An analytical Study

Women's empowerment has long been a central feature of the partnership between IFAD and the Government of India. Key instruments for supporting women's empowerment are self-help groups, whereby 10-20 rural women from the same village, mostly poor women, come together to contribute two-weekly or monthly dues as savings and provide group loans to their members. The self-help group approach was not created by IFAD- supported operations, but IFAD has contributed to the mainstreaming of this approach in India.


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