Indian society, Art & culture /

Malik Amit

Indian society, Art & culture / Amit Malik. - 1st ed. 2016. - Delhi. Ancient Publishing house; 2016. - 264 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Culture of India - An introduction
2. Conception of Dharma
3. Myths of Hindu Culture
4. Impact of Islam and western culture
5. Hinduism and social culture
6. Cultural perspectives
7. Indian art of painting
8. Family system and tradition
9. Cave in Indian culture
10. Traditional marriage customs
11. Indian art and Architecture
12. Indian caste system
13. Indian caste system
14. Child and widow marriage
15. Sanskrit Literature

Myths are the stories regarding the happenings of particular things. In ancient times myth means a story, which was required to be considered seriously. But in modern times, myths have been regarded as a history of wrongs kind. Every phenomena is capable of mythical interpretation. when the study of myth of ancient people was taken by modern scholars, they were surprised to find the same elementary thoughts spread all over the world under different social and cultural conditions. They are the personification of community values.


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