Positive growth and health problems /

Allan Evan S.

Positive growth and health problems / Evan S. Allan - 1st ed. 2014. - New Delhi. Pearl Books; 2014. - 277 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Creativity and aging: The positive impact
2. Positive health: The Human right to health care
3. Alcohol-related problems through health policy
4. Effect of health investment
5. Problems in children and adolescents
6. Implications for practice environments
7. Strengthening psychological health education
8. Burden of sexual and reproductive III- health

Human has achieved spectacular economic growth during the past many decades. However, whether or not this growth has been inclusive has become an issue of concern, and increasingly so in recent years. It is widely noted that inequality, especially between urban and rural populations and between coastal and interior provinces, has increased significantly. More recently, inequality in other dimensions, especially in health and education, has begun to attract attention.


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