Comparative Management :

Vaidya Asmita A.

Comparative Management : Critical perspectives on business and management / Asmita A. Vaidya & Adwait M. Vaidya - 1st ed. 2013. - Delhi. A.K. Publishers; 2013. - 238 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

1. Founder / chief executive officer exit
2. Top management and organizational growth: A comparative study
3. Researching comparative
4. Internationalization of firms
5. Market orientation
6. Business process reengineering
7. Practices and outcome among small business
8. Interfirm alliances in the business
9. Advantages of the Franchise option from the franchise perspective
10. Entrepreneurial transformation
11. Business ownership and management

This book on comparative management studies includes research activities undertaken to identify and explain similarities and differences among business strategies, management systems and social behaviour in different work context. Practitioners of comparative management studies must be neural in their preferences between different countries and cultures and avoid assuming that a particular cultural orientation or management style is better than any other for handling a specific situation and their goal is to conduct an objective and comprehensive comparison of two or more distinguishable management styles and identity characteristics and patterns that can inform and educate all managers.


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