English comic dramatists /

Crawfurd Oswald

English comic dramatists / Crawfurd Oswald, - 1st ed. 2015. - USA. Impact global publishing INC.; 2015. - 237 p . ; hardbound 16x25cm

1. Introduction
2. Shakespeare 1564-1616
3. Ben Jonson 1573-1637
4. Beaumont and fletcher 1586-1616; 1579-1625
5. Wycherley 1640-1715
6. Vanbrugh 1666-1726
7. Colley Cibber 1671-1757
8. Congreve 1670-1729
9. Addison 1672-1719
10. Farquhar 1678-1707
11. John Gay 1688-1732
12. Goldsmith 1728-1774
13. Cumberland 1732-1811
Sheridan 1752-1816

It is well thus to make a somewhat dogmatic definition of comedy, that the critical reader may know what he is to expect in the selections from our English Comic Dramatists. He will see at once how far afield his selector has been able to go, and where he has had to draw the line. Having regard only to the providing of good and interesting reading, he might have quoted largely from our romantic drama, in which our literature is exceptionally rich, or from our farce drama, to which we have something of an Italian learning, but to do this would have required folios, not a single small volume.


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