Managerial Economics :

Mithani D.M

Managerial Economics : Theory and applications / D.M. Mithani - 8th ed. 2017. - Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House; 2017. - 757 p . ; hardbound 22x28cm

1. The nature and significance of managerial economics
2. Basic concepts, tools and techniques of analysis
3. Market demand analysis
4. Theory of consumer demand
5. Elasticity of demand
6. Demand estimaion
7. Demand forecasting and demand-led Business strategy
8. Production Analysis
9. Supply analysis
10. Cost analysis
11. Economies of scale and scope
12. Cost of capital
13. Revenue analysis
14. market morphology
15. Competitive equilibrium price
16. Objectives of the firm
17. Break-even analysis and cost control
18. Theory of profit maximisation: conditions for equilibrium of a firm
19. Equilibrium of the firm and industry under perfect competition
20. Monopoly pricing and output equilibrium
21. Price discrimination (Discriminating monopoly)
22. Monopolistic competition
23.Oligopoly market
24. Pricing policy and methods
25. Profit policy and profit planning
26. Rudimentary project planning and capital budgeting
27. Government and market economy: key issues
28. Characteristics of K-economy in new economic order
29. Business cycles
30. Inflation
31. Elementary input-output analysis
33. Case study folio


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