Financial markets and Financial services /

Desai Vasant

Financial markets and Financial services / Vasant Desai, - 1st ed. 2016. - Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House; 2016. - 600 p . ; Hardbound 22x28cm

1. Introduction
Part one Financial Markets
2. Financial market evolution and globalization
3. Structure and the growth of financial markets in India
4. Money market
5. Call Money market
6. The bill market
7. Repo Market
8. The new issue market
9. Government securities market
10. The debt market
11. The future market
12. The capital market
13. Recent trends in the capital market
14. integration of money and capital markets
15. Foreign exchange market
16. stock exchange transactions
Part two Financial services
17. Financial services
18. Merchant Baking
19. Leasing
20. Hire-Purchase
21. Venture capital funds
23. Money market mutual funds
24. Factoring
25. Forfating
26..Securitisation of debt
27. Derivatives
28. Credit rating
29. credit cards
30. Depository and custodial services
31. he brokerage services
32. securities and exchange board of India


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