Macroeconomics /

Chakraborty Suman Kalyan

Macroeconomics / Suman Kalyan Chakraborty, - 1st ed. 2015. - Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House, 2015. - 494 p . ; hardbound 23x27cm

Part I : Introduction
1. Macroeconomy - A simple introduction
Part II: Classical and Keynesian Approach of aggregate demand and supply function
2. Determination of output and employment
Part III : Behavioural Foundation
3. Theory of consumption and saving
4. Income and consumption : Relevant hypothesis
5. Theory of investment - Investment function
Part IV: Aggregate demand, aggregate supply and supermultiplier model
6. Aggregate Demand and aggregate supply function and the level of income
7. Theory of multiplier
8. The principle of acceleration
9. Paul Samuelson's Multiplier-Accelerator interaction model or the supermultiplier
part V : National income, capital formation, government expenditure, tax and transfer multiplier
10. Determination of national income and output, distribution of income and capital formation
11. Government expenditure and the level of income
Part VI : Anatomy of unemployment and inflation
12. Unemployment
13. The theory of inflation and control
Part VII: Money & Banking
14. Demand for money
15. Determination of supply of money and implications of phillips curve analysis
16. Money Market
17. Banking system
Part VIII : Trade cycle models and international trade
18. business cycle
19. International trade and the level of income
Part IX : Income, Money, interest and output - Price determination
20. Classical and Keynesian Macroeconomics - A comparison
21. output - price (Aggregate supply and aggregate demand curve analysis)
22. hicks - Hansen analysis
Part X : Advanced topics of policy formulation
23. General equilibrium or macroeconomic equilibrium in the product and money markets and relative roles of monetary and fiscal policies
24.Economic policy - Macroeconomic policy
25. Instrument of macroeconomic policy - monetary policy
26. Instrument of macroeconomic policy - Fiscal policy
27. Union Budget 2009-2010

This book is completely customised for postgraduate students and also for candidates of civil service and various state level competitive examinations. Entire exercise has been taken long hours of hard work to facilitate students for necessary study materials to understand all chapters thoroughly. It is my endeavor to provide a work of sheer excellence. I have not at all compromised on any aspect, with respect to this textbook. It is no doubt the blessing of God and my parents that have made a work of this standard and excellence possible. They have made it possible for me to share my talent, knowledge and experience with you.


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