Emerging Market Economies /

Abhyankar Aditi

Emerging Market Economies / Aditi Abhyankar - 1st ed. 2012. - Mumbai. Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 2012. - 271 p . ; hardbound 19x25cm

1. The fourth dimensions
2. How sinful is the 'original sin'? emerging market economies and external vulnerability
3. BRICS trade - Triumph in turmoil
4. Emerging concerns in emerging market economies - A case for inclusive growth
5. Three conflicts in India's emerging market economy
6. competitiveness of BRIC countries in merchandise trade
7. Social sector investment : India vs. BRIC Club
8. Performance and prospects of growth of BRIC countries with special reference to India
9. Canada's increasing trade relations with emerging market economies: with special reference to India and China
10. Macroeconomic performance and public policy: Brazilians efforts for sustainable development
11. Emerging market economies: A decade of macroeconomic performance and policy measures
12. Emerging market economies for efficiency and inclusiveness
13.External vulnerabilities and its impact on Indian Economy
14. Role of venture capital and private equity in India's economic growth
15. FII runs the Index
16. Status of emerging market economies - An Assessment
17. Musings on poverty :Is conserving, a natural way out?
18. Interstate disparities in Economic development in India: A factor analysis approach
19. FDI in multi-brand retail in India : pros and cons
20. Developments in Indian money market
21. Asia - Potential for green economy
22. A study on Marine fisheries in KAnyakumari District - with Special reference to marketing and socio-economic conditions of fishermen
23. India's Foreign trade - A key factor in the development of India's Economy
24. Rural development: The role of banking sector
25. Impact of NREGA on the livelihood of rural poor with reference to selected states
26. Migrants' Remittances in India: Regional impacts and policy issues
27. An assessment of the restructuring of public finance at the National and sub-national finances in India in post-liberalization period
28. National Income versus natural resource accounting: with special reference to India
29. Emerging market economies- Trade, investment and competitiveness
30. Recent technological developments on Agriculture in India


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