The history of Kambuja-Desa :

Majumdar R.C

The history of Kambuja-Desa : Modern Cambodia / R.C. Majumdar - 1st 2010. - New Delhi. Cosmo Publications; 2010. - 161 p . ; hardbound 14x22cm

I. The beginning of Indian colonization in Cambodia
II. The Kingdom of Fu-NAN
III. The rise of Kambujadesa
IV. The consolidation of the Kambuja kingdom
V. The rise of Angkor
VI. The Kambuja Empire
List of Inscriptions

" I shall try to describe how the small isolated Hindu Kingdoms in different parts of Cambodia were welded into a mighty kingdom that stretched from the Bay of Bengal to the Sea of China, how the essential spirit of the Hindu culture was transplanted to this distant corner of Asia, how the Himdu religion inspired it to build monuments whose massive grandeur still excites the wonder of the world and far surpasses anything known so far in India, how art and institutions,created on Indian models, grew and developed a unique character; how this mighty colonial kingdom flourished for more than a thousand years fed by constant steams of civilization flowing from the motherland and at last met with inevitable decline when this perennial source itself decayed and ceased to flow."


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