Capital Punishment in India /

Mohapatra Bijoy Chandra

Capital Punishment in India / Bijoy Chandra Mohapatra & Sudhanshu Ranjan Mohapatra. - 2016. - New Delhi: Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, 2016. - 262 p. ; hardbound 14x22cm

Our contributors
1. Capital Punishment and its deterrent effect
Dr. Chandra Pal Upadhyay
2. Abolition of capital punishment: A critical Analysis
Raju Majhi
3. Death Penalty Jurisprudence : A conceptual Analysis
Dr. Sib Aram Tripathy
4. Judicial Scruitiny on imposing death penalty
Prof. Raghunath Patnai
5. Capital Punishment
Bhagabati Prasad Das
6. Taking life seriously : An Assessment of death penalty in India
Bijoy Chandra Mohapatra
7. Abolition of capital Punishment and 21st century: A Critical
Narahari Lenka
8. Right to life vis-a-vis capital punishment
Miss Alaka Mishra
9. Capital Punishment.....An Analysis of Judicial trends
Mr. Krushna Chandra Dalai
10. Capital Punishment : Judicial Trends
Dr. Binoy Kumar Das
11. Is capital punishment a modern day necessity
Mr. Narendra Behera
12. Capital Punishment :
Need in the country at the present
Dr. Debendra Kumar Mishra
13. Movement for abolition and retention of capital punishment
Dr. U.N. Dash
14. Can death Penalty ever die?
Dr. Girija Shankar Sharma
15. " Capital punishment- A brief contemporary study in present context:
Dr. S.S. Das & Keertika Singh
16. Capital Punishment
Aparajita Dutta
17. Death sentence : Burning issue
Dr. Chintamani Rout
18. Evolution of capital punishment in India
Dr. R.R. Mishra
19. Death penalty in India : A birds eye view
Mrs. Priyadarshini Samantray
20. Judicial Paradigm on Capital punishment in the context of evolution of 'the Rarest of rare test'- An analytical Approach
Dr. Ranjan Kumar Mishra
21. Rape and Murder: Parameters of Death sentence in india
Prabir Kumar Patnaik


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