Illustrated History of Ancient Literature :

Quakenbos John D.

Illustrated History of Ancient Literature : Oriental and Classical / John D. Quakenbos. - 2005. - New Delhi : Cosmo Publications, 2005. - 286 p. ; Hard Bound; 14x23cm.

Volume: 1 Illustrated History of Ancient Literature.

Part 1
Ancient Oriental Literatures.
I. Hindu Literature
II. Persian Literature
III. Chinese Literature
IV. Hebrew Literature
V. Chaldean, Assyrian, Arabic, and Pnhenician Literatures.
VI. Egyptiani Literature.
Part II
Grecian Literatures.
I. Birth of Grecian Literature.
II. Age of Epic Poetry.
III. Lyric Poetry.
IV. Rise of Greek Prose.
V. Golden age of Grecian Literature.
(450-330 B.C.)

Literature, in the broadest sense, comprises the written productions of all nations in all ages. It is the permanent expression of the intellectual power of man, and reflects the popular manners, the political condition, the moral and religious status. In its literary productions, a nation bequeaths to posterity an ever- speaking record of its inner life.


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