Developments and Contributions to Economical Theoretical issues and to inter Industry Economics framework

Somayajulu, V.V. N

Developments and Contributions to Economical Theoretical issues and to inter Industry Economics framework V.V. N. Smayajulu - New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House, 2016. - 200 p, ;

1 general Equilibrium Model of Ambika Ghosh , W.W. leontief piero Sraffa Paul Samuelson and Erick Dietzenbacher : Contrast in Contributions;
2 Aggregation and Disaggregation process in input Analysis in term of fractural Dimension;
3 the Economic Analysis of the Service Sector in input - output framework;
4 Structural Foundation of Micro Economic Entities in imnput and output framework ;
5 Integrating Environment and Development in input - Output framework ;
6 Structural path Analysis in the frame work of Social Accounting matrix;
7 Keynes leobtief klein Approach and recent Economic Crisis ;
8 Production Structure and Dynamics of income Distribution ;
9 On measure green GDP with natural Resource Environment Accounting;
10 Integrating the Environment into input - output transaction table of India Conceptual and methodological issuers;
11 Concepts measure and determinants of capacity Utilization - A Critical Survey :
12 Capacity Utilization measurements : a non parametric lenear programming production Frontier Approached ;
13 Developing a Dynamic framework to test the relationship among Stock market returned Production and Consumption in Finite Time;
14 Organised and Unorganized Segments in Indian Economy Selected characteristic;
15 Inter Linkage and the Clustering of innovative Activities framework for Indian Economy and national innovation poicies;
16 Micro and Macro Economic Analysis Studies in intr Industry Economic Framework;


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