The German Mind:

Cuneliffe, John W.

The German Mind: Literary Tradition of German: John W.Cunliffe. - New Delhi: Cosmo Publication, 2008. - 619 p, ;

Volume 1:The German Mind . Literary Tradition of German.

1 Introduction;
2 Between Dusk and Dawn;
3 Luther;
4 Hanes Sachs;
5 A new Dawn;
6 Friedrich Gottliieb Klopstock;
7 Immanual Kant;
8 Gotthold Ephraim; lessing;
9 Johnn Gottfried Von Herder;
10 Christoph Martin;
11 Gottdried August Burgur;
12 Goethe;
13 Johann Chistoph friedrich Schilled;
14 Sunshine and Shodow;
15 Johnn Gothlieb Fithte;
16 Jean Paul Richter;
17 Novalis;
18 The romantic School in Germany;
19 Friedrich and August Wilhem von Schlegel;
20 Johnn Ludwig;
21 Heirich Von klest ;
22 George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel;
23 The Grimm brother Jakob and Wilhelm ;
24 Arthur Schopenhauer ;
25 Joseph Von Eichendorff;
26 Franz Girllpazer ;
27 Heinrich Heine;
28 Christian Friedrich Hebbel;
29 Otto Ludwig;
30 Richard Wangner;
31 Gustava Freytag;
32 Gottfried keller;
33 Theodor Storm;
34 Lyric Voice of the nineteen century ;
35 German Historian ;
36 Power prosperity and pride;
37 Theodor Fontane;
38 Konard Ferdinand Meyer;
39 Paul Heyse;
40 Ernst Heackel;
41 Ludwig Anzengruuber;
42 Friedrich Nitzsche;
43 Hermann Sudermann;
44 Gerhart Hauptmann;
45 Arthur Shnitzler ;
46 Richard Dehmel;
47 Gustav Frenssen;
48 Hugo von Hoemannsthal;
49 Thomas Mann;


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