Caste Base System in Hinduism: A lower caste Study/

Modi , S .K .

Caste Base System in Hinduism: A lower caste Study/ S.K.Modi. - New Delhi: Axis Publication 2010. - 222 p, ;

1 The Status of Dalits in India;
2 Differnce Between Jati & varan;
3 Strength of unity;
4 Do we need Ritual;
5 Harijans are the Pillars of Hinduism they give us the Shastras;
6 Democracy in Ancient India;
7 Varna and Cast of Hinduism;
8 Caste Problem in India;
9 Hinduism in India;
10 Socials Caste Studies;
11 Status of Dalits Women in India caste based System ;
Dalits and Neglected Communities;
12 Dalits and Neglected Communities;


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