Managerial Economics:

Mithani, D.M.

Managerial Economics: Theory and Applications / D.M. Mithani. - New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House, 2017. - 757 p. ;

1. The nature and significance of managerial economics;
2. Basic concept tools and techniques of analysis;
3. Market demand analysis;
4. Theory of consumer demand;
5. Elasticity of demand;
6. Demand estimation;
7. Demand forecasting and demand-led business strategy;
8. Production analysis;
9. Supply analysis;
10. Cost analysis;
11. Economic of scale and scope;
12. Cost of capital;
13. Revenue analysis;
14. Market morphology;
15. Competitive equilibrium price;
16. Objectives of the firms;
17. Break-ever analysis and cost control;
18. Theory of profit maximization: Condition for equilibrium of a firm;
19. Equilibrium of the firm and industry under perfect competition;
20. Monopoly pricing and out put equilibrium ;
21. Price discrimination;
22. Monopolistic competition;
23. Oligopoly market;
24. Pricing policy and methods;
25. Profit policy and proft planning;
26. Rudimentary project planning and capital budgeting;
27. Government and market economy: Key issues;
28. Characteristic of K-economy in new economic order;
29. Business cycles;
30. Inflation;
31. Liner programming;
32. Elementary input-output analysis;
33 Case study folio;


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