Contemporary Indian Women Novelist 1900-1947:

Chadra, NDR.

Contemporary Indian Women Novelist 1900-1947: Chadra, NDR. - New Delhi: Adhyayan Publishers, 2017. - 404 p, ;

1. Female body as hieroglyphics of Partition Violence : Reading A leaf in the Storm;
2. Partition Politics in Attia Hosain;s Sun light on A Broken Column ;
3. Communal hHarmony : Reading of Sunlight on a Broken Column;
4.Reading Iconoclasm in Chugtai;s Writings;
5. Emancipation of the Women : A Study of Nargis Dalal's Select Novels;
6. Shantha Rama Rau's Novels ; A comparative Study;
7. Humanism In Kamala Markandaya;s; The Golden Honey Comb;
8. Racial harmony and universal brotherhood : A critical Respond to The Nowhere Man;
9.Memory Narrative in Kamal Markandaya;s Nectar in a Sieve;
10. Rukumani as an Epitome of Indian Womanhood: A Critical Consideration of Markandaya;s Nectar in the Sieve;
11 Male Hegemony and Gender Discrimination : A study of Mahasweta Devi;s The Hunt;
12. Feminist Perspective on Sahgal Storm of Chandigarh;
14. Ruth Prawer jhabvala'' Heat and Dust: A social Predicaments;
15.Nirupama Borghain's Abhiyatri: The Story of the Rebellious Women;
16. Anita Desai's Fire on the mountain: A narrative Of Female Victimology;
17. Spritual Questof Siddhartha and the Journey to Ithaca: A Comparative Study;
18. Confinement , Alienation and Dislocation in Anita Desai's in Custody;
19 Feasting men and Fasting Women : A feminist Study of Fasting , Feasting;
20. Canon, Multiculturalism and the God of Small Thing;
21. Fire on the Mountain& javady alley: A Comparative Study;
22.Indian Women at the Cross Road : A Study Of Shashi Deshpande's Heroines;
23. Metafiction and Transgenic practice in Deshpande's Small Remedies;
24. Quest for Self hood in Bapsi Sidhwa's
25 Quest For identity in Bharati Mukherjee 's Desirable Daughter;
26 identities Crisis is the Leit Motif of Bharati Mukherjee's Novel;s A Study of Desirable Daughter;
27 A Saga of alienation , transformation and assimilation : A Critique of Bharati Mukherjee's Jasmine ;
28 Translated men An Appraisal of Gita Mehta;s a River Sutra;
29. Kavery Nambisam The truth about Bharat: A critical perception;
30 Liberation and Empowerment of the women : A study of Anees JUng's Breaking the Silence;


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