Globalization and Human Right in India:/


Globalization and Human Right in India:/ Singh,Neelima. - New Delhi: Adhyayan Publishers, 2012. - 278 p, ;

1.Human Right and Compensatory Jurisprudence in India;
2. Human Right Approach to Globalization;
3. Concept of Human Right and Globalisation;
4 Globalisation and Our Sovereignty;
5. Concept of Human Right and Globalisation;
6.Human Right in Globalised India: Rhetoric and Reality;
7. Globalisation, Human Right with Reference to Indian Society;
8. Globalisation and Human Right:Help or Hindrance;
9. Impact of Globalisation on Human Right;
10. Impact of globalization on Human Right In India;
11 The Right To Life;
12. Human Right to Privacy : Problem and Perspective;
13 Mapping the State of Culture Right of Indian Muslim in Globalising world ;
14. impact of Globalisation on Human Right in India;
15 Impact of Globalisation of Intellectual Property Right and Human Rights;
16.Media And Human Right :Transforming Dimension in Global Information Society;
17 Globalisation and Economic Right Of Women; A Feminist Discourse;
18. Fighting for the Human Right: Kiran Bedi, Asma Jahangir and Aang Sang Suu Kyi;
19. Human Right and Free India: With Special reference to to the Emerging "New Women in Post Modern India Women Novelist English;
20 Globalisation , Development and human Right of farmer in India;
21. Globalisation ,and public Administration - the New Public Management;
22 myth and Realities of Right to Education act ;
23. Child Labour: Violation of Human Right;
24 Human Right and Sustainability Development;
25. Globalization and Refuges : " The anthropology of Forced Migration and its Impact on their Human Right;
26. Globalisation and Its Relation With Human Resource Management;
17 Human Right orientation Through Education;
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