A history of Afghanistan:

Skyes, Percy.

A history of Afghanistan: Percy Skyes. - New Delhi: Cosmo Publications, 2012. - 414 p, ;

1. The First Afghan War: The Occupation of Kabul:
2. The Surrender of Amir Dost Muhumad:
3.The retreat From Kabul;
4. Retribution;
5. The Second Reign of Amir Dost Muhumad;
6 .Shir Ali Established himself As Amir;
7.The Advance of the Russia Across Central Asia;
8 The First Seistan Mission 1872;
9.The Genesis of the Second Afghan War;
10 The Second Afghan War;
11. Abdur Rahman is proclaimed Amir of Kabul;
12.The Battle of Maiwand and Kandahar;
13. Abudr Rahman is Acknowledge Amir of Afghanistan and its Dependencies;
14. The Panjdeh Crisis and the Russo Afghan Boundary Commission;
15. The Durand Mission to Kabul;
16. The Pamir and other Boundary Commission;
17..Abdur Rahman tames his Rebellious Subject;
18. The Mc Mahon Mission;
19. Amir Habibulla Khan Negotiates a new treaty;
20. His Majesty Habibulia Khan visit India:]
21.The Anglo Russian Convention;
22.The Turko German mission to the Amir During the Great War;
23. The Assassination of the King Habibullia and the Accession of the Amanullia Khan;
24. The third Afghan War;
25.Afghanistan Acknowledge to be independent State;
26 King Amanulia institute Reform;
27. King Amanlia visit Europe;
28.The tragedy of King Amanlia;
29 Nadir khan Overthrow the Brigand Habibulia and is Elected King Of Afghanistan;
30 the Assassination of King nadir Shah and the Accession of the King Zahir Shah, 1933;
Appendix ;
List of authorities;


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