Advanced Accountancy /

Arulanandam, M.A

Advanced Accountancy / M.A. Arulanandam. - New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing House, 2017. - 700 P. ;


1. Fundamentals principles of accounting;
2. Final accounts;
3. Bills of exchange;
4. Consignment account;
5. Joint venture;
6. Account current and average due date;
7. Deprecation;
8. Self-balancing ledgers;
9. Single entry;
10. Receipts and payments accounts and income and expenditure account;
11. Branch accounting;
12. Dispartmental accounts;
13. Insurance claims;
14. Partnership-I;
15. Partnership-II;
16. Insolvency accounts;
17. Hire purchase and installment system;
18. Royalties;
19. Contract accounts;
20. Package and containers;
21. Voyage accounts;
22. Farm accounting;
23. Miscellaneous accounts;


2. Debentures;
3. Profit or loss prior to incorporation;
4. Finals accounts on companies;
5. Valuations of good will and shares;
6. Amalgamation, absorption and external reconstruction;
7. Alternation of share capital and internal reconstruction;
8. Liquidation;
9. Insurance companies;
10. Banking companies;
11. Holding companies;
12. Double accounts systems (including account system of electricity concern);
13. Accounting ratios and criticism and published accounts;
14. Government accounts;
15. Inflation accounting;
16. Human resource accounting;
17. Social responsibilities accounting;


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