Economic Reform:

Grarad, Pradnya U.

Economic Reform: "A Pathway to Golden Era"/ Grarad, Pradnya U. - New Delhi: Himalaya Publishing b House, 2012. - 154 p,;

1. Revitalization of Rural India Thought Focus On Horticulture;
2. Economic Reform In India: Edging Agriculture Out;
3. New Agriculture Reform and Golden Agrarian Transitio
4. The Other side of the Coin Side Effect of India Economic Reform;
5. The Road Less Travelled Industrial Sector reform for Labour Market.;
6. The Impact of Industrial Reform on Labour in India;
7. Economic Reform and the issue Of Employment;
8.Special Economic Zone and Internally Displaced person in India : A case Study of Goria Manri Uttan region;
9. Impact Assessments of National Rural Employment Guarantee act;
10. Banking In India: Changing with time;
11. Women Entrepreneur : Path makers of Golden Era;
12 Impact of Economic Policy on Service;
13. A Banking reform towards environmental Sustainable though green Banking;
14. E Tourism in India with Reference to Small and Medium Tourist Enterprise;
15.Medical Tourism An Emerging Industry;
16. Financial Sector Reform in India : An Over view of the Current Scenario;
17.Foreign Direct Investments in Infrastructure Development in India Role and Relevance;
18. Economic Reform In Service Sector (Indian Insurance Sector);
19.Economic Reform:A pathway to Service -led Growth.
20. India Aviation industry Flying through Reform;
21. Globalization and Its impact On Education and Culture: A study on Indian Context;
22 The Rise and Regulation of the "For Profit " Education Section in India;
23.Private Participation - A solution for Higher Education in India;
24 Information Technology Globalization and Social Development ;
25. Comparative Study of Economic Reforms With reference to Public healthcare in Maharashtra;
26. Challenges for the Challenged;
27. Globalization : faster Growth or Poverty Alleviation.
28. Skills Development of Human Capitals in retail Sector Industry;
29. The Banking Sector Reform;


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