Children with Special Needs /

Barik, Narayan

Children with Special Needs / Barik, Narayan - Kunal Books: New Delhi, 2011. - 299 p. ;

1. Children with special needs;
2. Concept of integrated education;
3. Integrating the hearing impaired;
4. Integrating the visually impaired;
5. Integrating the orthopaedically handicapped;
6. Integrating the educable mentally;
7. Integrating the learning disable;
8. Resource room;
9. Integrating the multiple handicapped;
10. Types of special education services;
11. integrated education for the disable in India;
12. Emotionally disturbed children;
13- Concept of gifted;
14- Education of the gifted;
15- Education of socially disadvantaged children;
16- Inclusive education;


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