Principles of Management /

Rao, V.S.P.

Principles of Management / V.S.P. Rao. - 2011. - Mumbai : Himalaya Publishing House, 2015. - 550 p. ;

1. Concepts and Nature of Management;
2. Process and Significance of Management;
3. Development of Management Thought;
4. Coordination;
5. Nature, Scope and Importance of Planning;
6. Business Forcasting;
7. Objective and Management by Objectives;
8. Types of Plans;
9. Decision Making;
10. Corporate Planning and Environment Analysis;
11. Nature and Process of Organising;
12. Departmentation;
13. Span of Control;
14. Authority and Responsibility Relationship;
15. Delegation and Decentralisation;
16. Types of Organisation;
17. Formal and Informal Organisation;
18. Fundamentals of Staffing;
19. Direction and Supervision;
20. Motivation and Morale;
21. Leadership:
22. Communication;
23. Nature and Process of Controlling;
24. Techniques of Controlling;
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