Nice Girls Don't Get The Corner Office/

Frankel,Lois P.

Nice Girls Don't Get The Corner Office/ 101 Unconscious Mistake Women Make That Sabotage Their Careers: Frankel, Lois P. - USA ; Hachette Bokks Group 2004. - 268 p, ;

Chapter 1 Getting Started
Chapter 2 How you Play the Game
Chapter 3 How You Act
Chapter 4 How you Think
Chapter 5 How you Band and Market yourself
Chapter 6 How you Sound
Chapter 7 How you Look
Chapter 8 How you Respond
Appendix Personal Development Planning and Resource

"Terrific stuff! Any women Intent on getting ahead in the corporate world should read this book."ANNE FISHER,senior writer, Fortune and "Ask Annie "Columnist ,CNNMoney .com
In this runway bestseller, international recognized executive coach Lois p Frankel Reveals a distinctive set of behavior 101 in all that women learn in girlhood that ultimately sabotage them as adults. She show how to eliminate them and offers invaluable Coaching tips You'll easily be able to incorporate into your social and business skills The result will pay of the Career opportunities you will never though possible and in an image that identifies you as someone with the power and know howto occupy the corner office Discover these and other business pilafs
Mistake #3 Working too hard .the truth is no one is ever promoted purely because of hard work
Mistake #26. Decorating your office like your living room. Unless you are the interior decorator, i t does not pay
Mistake#27 Feeding others. You're not Mom or Betty Crocker
Mistake #59: Asking permission. Children, ot adults ske for approval. be direct and confident
Mistake #73 Smiling Inappropriately . make your demeanor fit the situation


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