Dynamics of Industrial Relations:


Dynamics of Industrial Relations: Mamoria,C.B. - New Delhi; Himalaya Publishing house, 2017. - 563 p, ;

Part I-Industrial Labour in India
1. Growth of Industrial Labour Force
2. Characteristics of Indian Labour and Indian Labour Market
Part II- Trade Unionism
3.Trade Unions and employer's Associations
4. Trade union movements in India
5. Problem of Trade Unions
6. Trade union(amendment) act,2001
Part III - Industrial Relations
7,Industrial relations: Concepts, Perspective and organisations
8. Evolution of Industrial Relations
9. Industrial conflicts ;Concepts
10. Industrial unrest in India
11. The State and Industrial Relations Policies
Part IV-Resolution and Industrial Conflicts
12. Tripartite and Bipartite bodies
13. Standing orders Grievances Procedure and discipline
14. Ethical code and industrial relations
15. Collective Bargaining
Part V- Settlement Machinary
16.Meditation and conciliation
17 Arbitration
18. Adjudications
Part VI- Industrial Relation Legislation
19. Industrial Employment (standing order)act,1964
20. The Industrial Disputes Act 1947
Part VII- Labour Welfare and Education
21. Labour welfare Work and Institution of Labour welfare
22. Worker's Educations and Training
23. Worker's Participation in Managements
Part VIII- Industrial Relations and Related Legislations
24. Wage policy and Wage Regulation Machinery
25. Wage legislation
26. The Payment of Bonus Act,1965
27. Legislation Related to Factories
28. Miscellaneous
Part IX - Industrial Relations: Legal Implications, Modern and International Senario
29. Industrial Relation and the Constitution
30.Industrial relations and technological change
31. India and International labour Organisation
32. Industrial relations: Recent trends
33. industrial relations system in UK and USA
34. Main Recommendations of the second National Commission on Labour


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