Political Theory /

Raj, Yog.

Political Theory / Yog Raj - Delhi: G. Lal Company, - 240 p. ; Soft-Bound, 21 cm.

Chapter-1: Concept of the state;
Chapter-2: Theories of origin of state;
Chapter-3: Rise and growth of nation state;
Chapter-4: The liberalist and the Marxist views of the state;
Chapter-5: Concept of justice;
Chapter-6: The concept of sovereignty;
Chapter-7: Pluralist theory of sovereignty;
Chapter-8: Law;
Chapter-9: International law;
Chapter-10: Government-organization;
Chapter-11: Forms of government;
Chapter-12: Concept of rights;
Chapter-13: Concept of liberty;
Chapter-14: Concept of equality;
Chapter-15: Political obligation and resistance;
Chapter-16: Revolution - Marxism;
Chapter-17: Liberalism;
Chapter-18: Evolutionary socialism;
Chapter-19: Fascism;


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