Asha Bhosle:

Bharatan, Raju.

Asha Bhosle: A musical biography / Raju Bharatan - New Delhi: Hay House Publishers, 2016. - 332 p. Hard-Bound, 23 cm.

Chapter-1: Asha B and Gen X;
Chapter-2: Facing the music;
Chapter-3: No love lost;
Chapter-4: Voices two: Views two;
Chapter-5: The Nayyar she knew;
Chapter-6: Panchamtune: Ashasing;
Chapter-7: Wedded to sound;
Chapter-8: The switch she so trendily made;
Chapter-9: New ground and 'background';
Chapter-10: Fury, thy name is women;
Chapter-11: Awakening to her standing;
Chapter-12: The rafi she cannot wish away;
Chapter-13: No way like the dada burman way;
Chapter-14: The one rival she always feared;
Chapter-15: 'The first lady' that never was;
Chapter-16: Her ghazal avatar;
Chapter-17: Prabhu Kunjottings;
Chapter-18: Singh On Song: Siblings two on song;

'Music is in her blood. Not only is she a proven and accomplished exponent of our classical music (but) she also has the elasticity to adapt herself to any demand made upon her voice by music director. She has an instinctive ability - informed with knowledge and fine perception - to embroider with shade and nuance any composition she renders. In a manner which enhances its beauty and appeal with indescribable effect ... Her technique is so polished that she needs hardly any rehearsal. You have only to get her to go over the lines of a song half an hour before recording and you can be sure that she will be correct to the last detail. I often marvel at the memory and the enthusiasm of this gifted singer. So immersed is she in her art that she thinks nothing of missing meals to record a song.'


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