Political Science: Political theory for degree first year /

Chatterjee, Mary

Political Science: Political theory for degree first year / Mary Chatterjee - Shillong: Alpha-Plus Publishing House, - 226 p. ; Soft-Bound, 23 cm.

1. STATE-The normative and descriptive concept of the state, theories of the origin of the state , the idea of the nation state, the liberal and Marxist views of the states;
2. JUSTICE- The philosophical, the natural, the legal and the Marxist theories o justices-corrective and distributive justices, Rawl's theory of justices;
3. SOVEREIGNTY - Meaning of sovereignty, characteristics of sovereignty - kinds of sovereignty - nominal and real, legal and political, de-jure and de-facto, popular sovereignty , Austin's theory of sovereignty , monism and pluralism;
4. LAW- Meaning, sources, kinds, theories of origin and nature of law, law and liberty, law and morality, international law,- its meaning and source, problems and codification of international law, international law and municipal law;
5. GOVERNMENT- Meaning of government, organisation of government- separation of power- executive, legislator and judiciary, forms of government- Aristotle's classification of government, modern classification of government- Monarchy, Aristocracy, Dictatorship, democracy- western liberal democracy, communist democracy and the third world variants;
6. RIGHTS- Meaning, theories and kinds;
7. LIBERTY- Meaning, theories and kinds;
8. EQUALITY- Meaning, theories and kinds;
9. POLITICAL OBLIGATION- Meaning, theories and groups of resistance;
10. REVOLUTION- Meaning- Marxist and functionalist theories;

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