Naga Culture:

Welman, Frans.

Naga Culture: Free against the odds / Frans Welman | Ngathingkhuijagoi - New Delhi: Dev Publishers & Distributors, 2012. - 132 p. ; Hard-Bound, 26 cm.

Chapter-1: The people of culture - A dazzling Array of colours;
Chapter-2: Nagalim;
Chapter-3: The beauty of ornamental designs;
Chapter-4: The land and the mountains;
Chapter-5: Life in the hills - The circle of seasons: Sowing, planting & harvest;
Chapter-6: The morung - The birthplace of warrior;
Chapter-7: Village state & tribal democracy;
Chapter-8: Faith for the future;
Epiloque: A call for peace - London exposure.

Naga Culture is the portrayal of the unique but unknown Naga peoples. Their habitat is located in the mountains of Nagalim, disputably part of the North East of India and the Northwest of Myanmar, formerly Burma. Over forty tribes with common ancestry but a multitude of affiliated languages and attires make up the Naga community. Seeing them in their finest attires during festivals as well as in ordinary life is an extraordinary experience. And, because their land until recently has been isolated from the outside world hardly a soul knows about them; this includes Indians and Myanmarese. Naga Culture is photographed and written by Frans Welman and Nganthingkhui Jagoi, with important visual contributions fro Caisii Mao and Famke Veenstra.


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