Handbook of Population and Development in India /

Handbook of Population and Development in India / A.K. Shiva Kumar | Pradeep Panda | Rajani R. Ved - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010. - vi; 242p. ; Soft-Bound, 22cm.

1. Population and human development: Contemporary concerns;
2. Reaping the demographic dividend;
3. Population, Environment, and climate change;
4. Why penalize people?;
5. Population and food security;
6. Revisiting India's population politics;
7. National population policy 2000: What can it achieve realistically;
8. Reducing maternal mortality;
9. Fertility and epidemiological transitions: Cracks in India's health policy;
10. Fertility decline in the south indian states;
11. Fertility transition: Lessons from south India;
12. Understanding the young mind;
13. The unwanted girl child;
14. An explorsion of aspirations;
15.Reproductive rights and community action;
16. Media and public health: Neither fish nor fowl;
17. Women in India's national population policy: Is empowerment enough?;
18. The changing context and meaning of women's empowerment.

Engaging with the diverse perspectives on human development, human rights, and gender justice, this handbook provides a comprehensive understanding of the development-population linkages. taking forward the debates and policy questions raised by the national population policy 2000, the handbook analyses a wide range of issues such as:
Food security, climate change, and the environment
Potential of and opportunities for youth and the girl child;
Public health and reproductive health services;
Women's empowerment and fertility choices; and
Role of law, media, and public action in population stabilization.


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