Encyclopedia of World's Great Sociological Thinkers /

Encyclopedia of World's Great Sociological Thinkers / Priyadarshani M. Gangte - New Delhi: Maxford Books, 2012. - x; 308p. ; Hard-Bound, 22cm.

1. Introduction to social thought;
2. Adam Smith;
3. Alexis de Tocqueville;
4. Amitai Etzioni;
5. Anthony Giddens;
6. Antonio Gramsci;
7. Antonio Negri;
8. Arlie Russel Hochschild;
9. Barry Wellman;
10. Charles fourier;
11. Charles Tilly;
12. Claude levi-strauss;
13. Cornelius Castoriadis;
14. Daniel Patrick Moynihan;
15. Donna Haraway;
16. Emile Durkheim;
17. Ernest Gellner;
18. Fei Xiaotong;
19. Fernando Henrique Cardoso;
20. Frantz Fanon;
21. Fredric Jameson;
22. Friedrich Engels;
23. George C. Homans;
24. George Herbert Mead;
25. George Canguilhem;
26. George Sorel;
27. Gilles Deleuze;
28. Gyorgy Lukacs;

29. Harold Innis;
30. Harriet Martineau;
31. Harrison White;
32. Herbert Spencer;
33. Ibn Khaldun;
34. Ida B. Wells;
35. Immanuel Wallerstein;
36. Imre Lakatos;
37. Jacques Lacan;
38.Jean Piaget;
39. Jean Ziegler;
40. Jean-Francois Lyotard;
41. Jean-Jacques Rousseau;
42. Johan Galtung;
43. John Locke;
44. Judith Butler;
45. Jurgen Habermas;
46. Karl Marx;
47. Karl Popper;
48.Lester Frank Ward;
49. Manuel Castells;
50. Margaret Mead;
51. Marshall McLuhan;

52. Martin Luther King, jr.
53. Mary Wollstonecraft;
54. Max Scheler;
55. Max Weber;
56. Michel Foucault;
57. Michelle Obama;
58. Niklas Luhmann;
59. Norbert Elias;
60. Oswald Spengler;
61. Peter Kropotkin;
62. Pierre Bourdieu;
63. Pierre-joseph proudhon;
64. Pim fortuyn;
65. Ralf dahrendorf;
66. Regis debray;
67. Robert A. Dahl;
68. Robert K. Merton;
69. Ronald Enroth;
70. Rosa Luxemburg;
71. Thomas Hobbes;
72. Vladimir Lenin;
73. W.E.B. Du bois;
74. Walter Benjamin;
75. Zygmunt bauman.



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