Alternative English Class XI /

Nagaland Board of School Education

Alternative English Class XI / Nagaland Board of School Education - Noida: Pearson, - 130 p.; Soft-bound, 23 cm.

I. LIterature: PROSE: 1) The Letter "A"; 2) The Luncheon; 3) After Bhopal; 4) Dream Children: A Reverie; 5) The Fly
POETRY: 6) The slave's bream; 7) Mending Wall; 8) Money Madness; 9) She Walks in Beaty;
DRAMA: 10) Ever Young;
II. Reading: Reading comprehension worksheets;
III. Grammer: 1) Verbs; 2) Adverbs;3) Tenses;
IV. Writing: 1) Introduction to letter writing; 2) Friendly letters; 3) Letters for special occasions
V. Sample Questions: 1) Sample Questions A; 2) Sample Questions B.



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