History of Western Political Thought /

Mukhi, H. R.

History of Western Political Thought / H. R. Mukhi, - 10th ed. - New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers, 1994. - 576 p. ; Soft-Bound, 23 cm.

Chapter-1: Nature of political thought;
Chapter-2: Greek political philosophy;
Chapter-3: Political thoughts before plato;
Chapter-4: Aristotle;
Chapter-7: Roman political thought;
Chapter-8: Roman political thinkers;
Chapter-9: Church fathers;
Chapter-10: St. Augustine;
Chapter-11: General background of medieval political thought;
Chapter-12: The papalists;
Chapter-13: The secularists;
Chapter-14: The concilliar;
Chapter-15: Machiavelli;
Chapter-16: Political thoughts of refoemation period;
Chapter-17: The counter-reformation period;
Chapter-18: Jean bodin;
Chapter-19: Hugo grotius;
Chapter-20: Political philosophy of 17th century.
1. Thomas hobbes;
2. The republicans;
3. John locke;
4. From locke montesquien;
5. Barun-de-montesquien;
6. Jean jacques rousseau;
7. From rousseau to burke;
8. Edmond burke.


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