Prosaic Musings : NU anthology of prose, short stories and developing writing skills /

Sbd, A.J. Sebastian .

Prosaic Musings : NU anthology of prose, short stories and developing writing skills / A.J. Sebastian Sbd - New Delhi : MacMillan , 2012 . - 449 p. ;

Acknowledgement to the Publisher;
List of contribution;
1- Job Hunting;
2- Albert Schweitzer;
3- Shooting an Elephant;
4-The First Atom bomb;
5- The best year of life;
6- The Religion for the future;
7 -Visit to the pagodas;
8- A village Cricket Match;
9 -Management Speak to the Graduate;
10- Banking Without Blarney;
11- A social role for business;
12-A Daily newspaper;
13- The Balance sheet of Robinson Crusoe;
14-This modern world;
15- A talk on advertising;
16- The stock exchange welcome you as a visitor;
17-Company Report;
18- Making a contract;
19- Money and the Englishman;
20 -The Method of Scientific investigation;
21- Nature;
22-The verger;
23- The Lion Skins;
24- The Doll's House;
25- The 1,000,000 bank note;
26- The imp and the Pleasant's Bread;
27-The Gift of Magi;
28-The last leaf;
29- The thief;
30-Marriage is a private affair;
31-A case of identity;
32-The Bet;
33- Preface to the lyrical Ballads;
34- Function of criticism at the present time;
35-The function of Criticism;
36-The language of Paradox;
37 -Keats;
38-Post Colonial Reconstructions :literature, meaning value;
39-Language skills Composition;
40- Scholarly style of writing;
41- Assignment writing Assignment/ term papers;
42 Making/Taking Note;
43-Working bibliography;
44- Foot Note/End Note;
45-How to write a CV or Resume;
46- Paragraph Writing;
47-Journalistic Report Writing;
48- Literary Essay Writing;
49- Dialogue;
50- Book review;
51 Copy Editing;
52 Feature Writing;
Models Question paper


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