History of Europe (1450 - 1815) /

Rao, B.V.

History of Europe (1450 - 1815) / B. V. Rao, - New Delhi : Sterling Publication, 1996. - xiii ; 75 p . ; Soft-Bound, 22 cm.

Chapter-1: Europe in Retrospect;
Chapter-2: Geographical discoveries in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries;
Chapter-3: The renaissance in Europe;
Chapter-4: Religious reformation;
Chapter-5: Rise of nation-states in Europe : Tudor England;
Chapter-6: Emergence of Spain as a great power;
Chapter-7: Protestant turmoil in France;
Chapter-8: The thirty years war;
Chapter-9: France under Richelieu and Mazarin;
Chapter-10: The rise of Sweden;
Chapter-11: Revolutions in England;
Chapter-12: Louis XVI, the grand monarch;
Chapter-13: The ascendancy of Russia;
Chapter-14: The rise of Prussia;
Chapter-15: The rise of Ottoman Empire;
Chapter-16: Industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism;
Chapter-17: From bloodless revolution to American revolution;
Chapter-18: The age of reason and decline of enlightened despotism in France;
Chapter-19: The French revolution of 1789;
Chapter-20: Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte;
Chapter-21: Congress of vienna;

This book tells the story of how Europe emerged from its cocoon of medievalism to occupy the central stage in the world history from S. C. 1500. The period 1450-1815 in Europe history marks in many respects an important transition.


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